Bem aqui está o meu contributo para o concurso da 0937
O necromante (minifig) preparou um altar junto de uma campa para fazer levantar os seus zombies. Os altares bem como os locais em que eram feitos os rituais eram extremamente importante para estes magos negros poderem ressuscitar os mortos.
Quem o poderá parar de criar um exercito gigante de zombies?
(frankenstein não incluido).
Este MOC incluido no tema genérico Monster fighters.
O MOC tem exactamente 30 peças.
Como info adicional:
"The act of performing medieval necromancy usually involved magic circles, conjurations, and sacrifices such as those shown in the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic. Circles were usually traced on the ground, though cloth and parchment were sometimes implemented. Various objects, shapes, symbols, and letters may be drawn or placed within that represent a mixture of Christian and occult ideas. Circles were believed to empower and protect what was contained within, including protecting the necromancer from the conjured demons. Conjuration is the method of communicating with the demons to enter the physical world. It usually employs the power of special words and stances to call out the demons and often incorporated the use of Christian prayers or biblical verses. These conjurations may be repeated in succession or repeated to different directions until the summoning is complete. Sacrifice was the payment for summoning; though it may involve the flesh of a human being or animal, it could sometimes be as simple as offering a certain object. Instructions for obtaining these items were usually specific. The time, location, and method of gathering items for sacrifice could also play an important role in the ritual"
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